Latest news - La Joie en Rose
Why Choose a Breast Milk Jewel “La Joie en Rose”?
In the incredible and often tumultuous journey of motherhood, every moment, every drop of breast milk is a precious pearl of happiness. At “La Joie en Rose,” we believe in the magic of transforming these fleeting moments into timeless treasures [...]
Rose-coloured joy and white pearls
EXCERP: No surprises here, milk turns yellow naturally. This is a challenge all breast milk jewelry artisans are faced with. If you’ve decided to get a jewelry piece done with your breast milk, you obviously want a tangible and timeless [...]
“My baby is a star” When motherhood and bereavement collide
EXCERP: Today, I would like to discuss a subject we seldom talk about in our culture. It hurts to talk about it and leaves most of us at a loss for words. What is it? Perinatal bereavement.If you are reading [...]